First COVID-19 case reported in eastern Libya



The Higher Committee to Combat the Corona Epidemic of Libya's eastern-based government on Tuesday announced the first COVID-19 case in eastern Libya.

In a press conference in the eastern city Benghazi, the Committee said the patient is a 55-year-old man who came to Libya from Turkey 20 days ago.

On Monday, the Tripoli-based National Center for Disease Control of the UN-backed government said the total cases in the country is 19, including one death and one recovery.

The country announced on Thursday the first death from COVID-19, an 85-year-old woman who was diagnosed with the disease.

Libyan authorities have taken a series of measures against the COVID-19, including closing airports, border crossings, mosques and educational institutions, banning mass gatherings and movements among cities, and imposing a curfew.

On March 24, Libya announced its first COVID-19 case in a 73-year-old man who returned from Saudi Arabia.