SPREP advises Pacific countries to deal with COVID-19 waste separately



As COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continues, countries in the Pacific region are facing another challenge on how to manage medical waste safely and effectively, according to the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program (SPREP).

SPREP said in a press statement on Tuesday that many types of additional medical and hazardous wastes are being generated during the pandemic, including infected masks, gloves and other personal protective equipment (PPE) which countries in the Pacific region need to address.

SPREP said that any waste that has been in contact with a facility that is housing a COVID-19 patient or a person who has been exposed to the coronavirus, including decontamination materials, should be treated as medical waste.

SPREP's Director General Kosi Latu said that island countries should treat medical, household and other hazardous waste, as an urgent and essential public service in order to minimize possible secondary impacts upon health and the environment.

"We noted that some countries are advising citizens with recent travel history to self-quarantine at home or in hotels. We urge authorities to be wary of mixing medical waste such as contaminated masks, gloves, used or expired medicines, and other items, with domestic garbage," said Latu.

With its head office being based in Samoan capital of Apia, SPREP is the regional organisation established by the governments and administrations of the Pacific charged with protecting and managing the environment and natural resources in this region.